INT8 quantization

You can use LaunchX converter to automatically convert the AI model’s framework to the target framework.

What is Quantization?

Quantization is a technique that reduces the number of bits used to represent weights and activations in a deep learning model. This makes the model lighter, reducing memory usage and improving inference speed.

LaunchX facilitates the easy application of post-training INT8 quantization to the model. It represents the model’s weights and activations as 8-bit integers, saving memory and accelerating computations.

This document provides information as follows:

  • INT8 quantization

  • Preparing the calibration dataset

  • Inference code for TFlite INT8 model

INT8 quantization

  1. To quantize, upload your target model or select from the free models in Models.

  2. On the Convert Setting page, choose Tensorflow Lite, select the target device, and then choose the INT8 option.

  3. Upload the calibration dataset(<= 500MB) to minimize quantization error.

  4. Click the convert button.


Preparing the calibration dataset

Calibration is the process of aligning a quantized model with a specific data distribution, adjusting quantization parameters such as scaling and zero points.

Generally, the calibration dataset is a subset of the original training data, used to fine-tune quantization parameters. Its purpose is to ensure the quantized model’s optimal performance on real-world data while maintaining acceptable accuracy. During calibration, the model runs on this dataset, and activation statistics are collected. These statistics determine quantization parameters for each neural network layer, minimizing the impact of quantization on accuracy by adapting parameters based on observed value distributions.

Convert the dataset to NumPy for calibration.

  • img_file_dir_path : Path where the dataset for calibration is stored.

  • padding : Value for padding preprocessing.

  • color_mode : Value to change the color mode of an image for preprocessing. Select ‘bgr’ or ‘rgb’.

  • normalize : Value for normalization preprocessing.

  • input_shape : Value for width and height of model input shape.

  • save_file_path : Path to save the npy file.

from glob import glob
import os
import pathlib
import random
from typing import Literal, List, Tuple

import cv2
import numpy as np

img_file_types = [

def save_npy_file(array, save_file_name: str):, array)

def print_saved_npy_file_shape(save_file_name: str):
   array = np.load(save_file_name)
   print(f"Saved npy array shape is {array.shape}")

def save_txt_file(lines: List[str], file_name: str):
   with open(file_name, "w") as file:
      for line in lines:
            file.write(line + "\n")

def print_error_files(error_files: List[str], file_name: str):
   print(f"Please check files in {file_name}.")
   print("Error files:", error_files)

def save_error_files(
      error_files: List[str],
      file_name: str = "error_files.txt"):
   if len(error_files) != 0:
      save_txt_file(error_files, file_name)
   print_error_files(error_files, file_name)

class DataPreprocessor():
   def __init__(
      root_dir: str,
      input_shape: Tuple[int, int],
      color_mode: Literal["bgr", "rgb"],
      padding: bool,
      normalize: bool
      self.root_dir = root_dir
      self.input_shape = input_shape
      self.color_mode = color_mode
      self.padding = padding
      self.normalize = normalize
      self.img_list = []

   def _get_img_list(self,):
      self.img_list = []

      for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.root_dir):
            for img_type in img_file_types:
               img_files = glob(os.path.join(root, img_type))
               self.img_list += img_files

      self.img_list = list(set(self.img_list))
      if len(self.img_list) == 0:
            raise Exception(f"No image in {self.root_dir}")


   def _img_padding(self, im):
      shape = im.shape[:2]  # current shape [height, width]
      new_shape = self.input_shape
      if isinstance(new_shape, int):
            new_shape = (new_shape, new_shape)

      # Scale ratio (new / old)
      r = min(new_shape[0] / shape[0], new_shape[1] / shape[1])

      # Compute padding
      new_unpad = int(round(shape[1] * r)), int(round(shape[0] * r))
      if shape[::-1] != new_unpad:  # resize
            im = cv2.resize(im, new_unpad, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
      left, right = int(round((new_shape[1] - new_unpad[0])/2 - 0.1)), int(round((new_shape[1] - new_unpad[0])/2 + 0.1))
      top, bottom = int(round((new_shape[0] - new_unpad[1])/2 - 0.1)), int(round((new_shape[0] - new_unpad[1])/2 + 0.1))
      im = cv2.copyMakeBorder(im, top, bottom, left, right, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=(114,114,114))  # add border
      return im

   def _preprocess(self, img):
      x = []
      if self.color_mode == "rgb":
            img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
      if self.padding:
            img = self._img_padding(img)
            img = cv2.resize(img, self.input_shape)
      x = np.array(x)
      x = np.float32(x)
      if self.normalize:
            x = x / 255.0
      return x

   def _load_dataset(self,):
      error_files = []
      valid_images = []

      def is_valid_image(image):
            return image is not None

      for f in self.img_list:
               img = self._preprocess(cv2.imread(f))
               if is_valid_image(img):
            except Exception as e:
            result_array = np.concatenate(valid_images, axis=0)
            import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
      return result_array, error_files

   def _get_save_file_name(self,):
      count = len(self.img_list)
      w = self.input_shape[0]
      h = self.input_shape[1]
      return f"{count}x{w}x{h}.npy"

   def save_dataset_as_npy(self, save_file_path: str):
      save_file_name = self._get_save_file_name()
      save_file_path = os.path.join(save_file_path, save_file_name)
      result_array, error_files = self._load_dataset()
      save_npy_file(result_array, save_file_path)

if __name__ == "__main__":
   img_file_dir_path = "/image/file/path"
   padding = True
   color_mode = "bgr"
   input_shape = (512, 512)
   normalize = True
   save_file_path = "/path/to/save/file"
   data_preprocessor = DataPreprocessor(


root@4e54bd5645d1:/app# python3
Corrupt JPEG data: 122 extraneous bytes before marker 0xc4
Saved npy array shape is (145, 32, 32, 3)
Please check files in error_files.txt.
Error files: ['/app/calib_dataset/images/2007_000039_jpg']

Dataset that failed to be read

Image files that do not open normally through opencv-python are listed in the ‘error_files.txt’ created in the code execution location.

Inference Code for TFlite INT8

Write and use additional pre-processing/post-processing codes for your model.

import os

import cv2
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

def model_input_output_attributes(interpreter: tf.lite.Interpreter):
   inputs = {}
   outputs = {}
   for input_detail in interpreter.get_input_details():
      input_data_attribute = {}
      input_data_attribute["name"] = input_detail.get("name")
      input_data_attribute["location"] = input_detail.get("index")
      input_data_attribute["shape"] = tuple(input_detail.get("shape"))
      input_data_attribute["dtype"] = input_detail.get("dtype")
      input_data_attribute["quantization"] = input_detail.get("quantization")
      input_data_attribute["format"] = "nchw" if input_data_attribute["shape"][1] == 3 else "nhwc"
      inputs[input_data_attribute["location"] if input_data_attribute["location"] is not None else input_data_attribute["name"]] = input_data_attribute

   for output_detail in interpreter.get_output_details():
      output_data_attribute = {}
      output_data_attribute["name"] = output_detail.get("name")
      output_data_attribute["location"] = output_detail.get("index")
      output_data_attribute["shape"] = tuple(output_detail.get("shape"))
      output_data_attribute["dtype"] = output_detail.get("dtype")
      output_data_attribute["quantization"] = output_detail.get("quantization")
      output_data_attribute["format"] = "nchw" if output_data_attribute["shape"][1] == 3 else "nhwc"
      outputs[output_data_attribute["location"] if output_data_attribute["location"] is not None else output_data_attribute["name"]] = output_data_attribute

   return inputs, outputs

def preprocess(input_image_path:str):
   input_image = cv2.imread(input_image_path)
   # Write down the pre-processing process required for your model, including resizing.
   return input_image

def inference(tflite_model_path:str, input_image):
   with open(os.path.join(tflite_model_path), "rb") as f:
      interpreter = tf.lite.Interpreter(, num_threads=1)

   inputs, outputs = model_input_output_attributes(interpreter)
   for k, v in inputs.items():
      if v['dtype'] in [np.uint8, np.int8]:
            input_scale, input_zero_point = v["quantization"]
            input_image = input_image / input_scale + input_zero_point
            input_image = np.expand_dims(input_image, axis=0).astype(v["dtype"])
      interpreter.set_tensor(v["location"], input_image)

   output_dict = {}
   for output_location in iter(outputs):
      output_dict[output_location] = interpreter.get_tensor(output_location)

   return output_dict

def postprocess(inference_results):
   return inference_results

inference_result=inference("your_model.tflite", input_image)