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Decoupled detection head with anchors based on Focal Loss for Dense Object Detection

We have named the detection head of RetinaNet as AnchorDecoupledHead to represent it in a more general term. AnchorDecoupledHead consists of a box regression head and a classification head for the given intermediate features, predicting detection boxes for the anchors at each feature's pixel location. Additionally, we provide the option to adjust the number of convolution layers used in the heads through the num_layers value, it is equivalent with RetinaNet when set to 4.

Field list

Field Description
name (str) Name must be "retinanet_head" to use RetinaNetHead head.
params.anchor_sizes (list[list[int]]) Default anchor sizes for each intermediate feature.
params.aspect_ratios (list[float]) List of aspect ratio for each anchor.
params.num_layers (int) The number of convolution layers of regression and classification head.
params.norm_layer (str) Normalization type for the head.

Model configuration example

Anchor-based decoupled detection head
      name: anchor_decoupled_head
        anchor_sizes: [[32,], [64,], [128,], [256,]]
        aspect_ratios: [0.5, 1.0, 2.0]
        num_layers: 1
        norm_type: batch_norm