NetsPresso Trainer provides training results in a variety of multiple formats. As a following example, users can determine most of output formats through boolean flags, and can adjust the intervals of evaluations and checkpoint saves with a simple configuration.
project_id: ~
output_dir: ./outputs
tensorboard: true
image: true
stdout: true
save_optimizer_state: true
save_best_only: false
best_model_criterion: loss # metric
sample_input_size: [512, 512] # Used for flops and onnx export
onnx_export_opset: 13 # Recommend in range [13, 17]
validation_epoch: &validation_epoch 10
save_checkpoint_epoch: *validation_epoch # Multiplier of `validation_epoch`.
classwise_analysis: False
metric_names: ~ # None for default settings
We provide basic tensorboard to track your training status. Run the tensorboard with the following command:
Note that the default directory of saving result will be ./outputs
The port number 50001
is same with the port forwarded in example docker setup. You can change with any port number available in your environment.
Field list¶
Field |
Description |
logging.project_id |
(str) Project name to save the experiment. If None , it is set as {task}_{model} (e.g. segmentation_segformer ). |
logging.output_dir |
(str) Root directory for saving the experiment. Default location is ./outputs . |
logging.tensorboard |
(bool) Whether to use the tensorboard. |
logging.image |
(bool) Whether to save the validation results. It is ignored if the task is classification . |
logging.stdout |
(bool) Whether to log the standard output. |
logging.model_save_options.save_optimizer_state |
(bool) Whether to save optimizer state with model checkpoint to resume training. |
logging.model_save_options.save_best_only |
(bool) Whether to only the best model. |
logging.model_save_options.best_model_criterion |
(str) Criterion to determine which checkpoint is considered the best. One of 'loss' or 'metric'. |
logging.model_save_options.sample_input_size |
(list[int]) The size of the sample input used for calculating FLOPs and exporting the model to ONNX format. |
logging.model_save_options.onnx_export_opset |
(int) The ONNX opset version to be used for model export |
logging.model_save_options.validation_epoch |
(int) Validation frequency in total training process. |
logging.model_save_options.save_checkpoint_epoch |
(int) Checkpoint saving frequency in total training process. |
logging.metrics.classwise_analysis |
(bool) Whether to perform class-wise analysis of metrics during validation. |
logging.metrics.metric_names |
(list(str), optional) List of metric names to be logged. If not specified, default metrics for the task will be used. |