NetsPresso Trainer supports learning functions for various vision tasks with your custom data. In addition to data stored in a local repository, it also supports learning with data accessible through APIs such as Hugging Face datasets. Currently, the dataset formats supported by NetsPresso Trainer are fixed in a specific form, but we plan to expand to more dataset formats such as COCO format in the future.
On this page, we will guide you on the data format you need to learn with your custom data and how to learn using Hugging Face datasets.
Local custom datasets¶
Supporting image formats¶
For image data, various extension images are supported, but we recommend one of .jpg
, .jpeg
, .png
, and .bmp
. In this case, label data used in semantic segmentation must be saved as .png
to prevent data loss and utilize image header information.
The following sections introduce how to organize data for each task.
Common configuration¶
Regardless of the task, dataset directory should be organized as follows:
- Train: This directory should contain all the training images and corresponding label files.
- Validation: This directory should house validation images and their corresponding labels, used to tune the hyperparameters.
- Test: This directory should include test images and labels for final model evaluation.
This structure should be reflected in your configuration file under the respective paths.
Field |
Description |
---|---| |
(str) The name of dataset. |
data.task |
(str) classification for image classification, segmentation for semantic segmentation, and detection for object detection. |
data.format |
local as an identifier of dataset format. |
data.path.root |
(str) Root directory of dataset. |
data.path.train.image |
(str) The directory for training images. Should be relative path to root directory. |
data.path.valid.image |
(str) The directory for validation images. Should be relative path to root directory. |
data.path.test.image |
(str) The directory for test images. Should be relative path to root directory. |
Image classification¶
To train an image classification model using NetsPresso Trainer, users must organize their data according to a specified format.
- train images must be in same directory.
- validation images must be in same directory.
- labels for images are given by csv file. The csv file contains image file name and correspoinding class label.
Field |
Description |
data.id_mapping |
(list) Class list for each class index. |
data.path.train.label |
(str) For classificaiton, label field must be path of .csv file. This should be relative path to root directory. |
data.path.valid.label |
(str) For classificaiton, label field must be path of .csv file. This should be relative path to root directory. |
data.path.test.label |
(str) For classificaiton, label field must be path of .csv file. This should be relative path to root directory. |
Data hierarchy example - ImageNet1K
├── images
│ ├── train
│ │ ├── n01440764_10026.JPEG
│ │ ├── n01440764_10027.JPEG
│ │ ├── n01440764_10029.JPEG
│ │ └── ...
│ └── valid
│ ├── ILSVRC2012_val_00000001.JPEG
│ ├── ILSVRC2012_val_00000002.JPEG
│ ├── ILSVRC2012_val_00000003.JPEG
│ └── ...
└── labels
├── imagenet_train.csv
└── imagenet_valid.csv
Label csv example - ImageNet1K
Data configuration example - ImageNet1K
name: imagenet1k
task: classification
format: local # local, huggingface
root: path_to/IMAGENET1K # dataset root
image: images/train # directory for training images
label: labels/imagenet_train.csv # label for training images
image: images/valid # directory for valid images
label: labels/imagenet_valid.csv # label for valid images
image: ~ # directory for test images
label: ~ # label for test images
id_mapping: ["kit fox", "English setter", "Siberian husky", "Australian terrier", ...]
Semantic segmentation¶
To train a semantic segmentation model using NetsPresso Trainer, the data must be in the following formats:
- For each training image, there must be a label file (image) indicating the original image and the class index of each pixel of the image.
- Users must create an image and label directory under the root directory and put the corresponding files in each directory.
- In this case, training data and validation data can be distinguished in different directories. For example, training data can be placed in train/image, train/label directories, and validation data can be placed in valid/image, valid/label directories.
- Users must know the class name corresponding to each pixel value (RGB or L (grayscale) format) in the label file.
Field |
Description |
data.label_image_mode |
(str) Image mode to convert the label. Should be one of RGB , L , and P . This field is not case-sensitive. |
data.path.train.label |
(str) For segmentation, label field must be path of label directory. This should be relative path to root directory. |
data.path.valid.label |
(str) For segmentation, label field must be path of label directory. This should be relative path to root directory. |
data.path.test.label |
(str) For segmentation, label field must be path of label directory. This should be relative path to root directory. |
data.id_mapping |
(dict, list) Key-value pair between label value (RGB , L , or P ) and class name. Should be a dict of {label_value: classname} or a list of class names whose indices are same with the label value (image_mode: L or P ). |
data.palette |
(dict) Color mapping for visualization. If none , automatically select the color for each class. |
Data hierarchy example - PascalVOC 2012
├── images
│ ├── train
│ │ ├── 2007_000032.jpg
│ │ ├── 2007_000039.jpg
│ │ ├── 2007_000063.jpg
│ │ └── ...
│ └── valid
│ ├── 2007_000033.jpg
│ ├── 2007_000042.jpg
│ ├── 2007_000061.jpg
│ └── ...
└── labels
├── train
│ ├── 2007_000032.png
│ ├── 2007_000039.png
│ ├── 2007_000063.png
│ └── ...
└── valid
├── 2007_000033.png
├── 2007_000042.png
├── 2007_000061.png
└── ...
Data configuration example - PascalVOC 2012
name: voc2012
task: segmentation
format: local
root: path_to/VOC12Dataset
image: image/train
label: mask/train
image: image/valid
label: mask/valid
image: ~ # directory for test images
label: ~ # directory for test labels
image: ~
label: ~
label_image_mode: RGB
(0, 0, 0): background
(128, 0, 0): aeroplane
(0, 128, 0): bicycle
(128, 128, 0): bird
(0, 0, 128): boat
(128, 0, 128): bottle
(0, 128, 128): bus
(128, 128, 128): car
(64, 0, 0): cat
(192, 0, 0): chair
(64, 128, 0): cow
(192, 128, 0): diningtable
(64, 0, 128): dog
(192, 0, 128): horse
(64, 128, 128): motorbike
(192, 128, 128): person
(0, 64, 0): pottedplant
(128, 64, 0): sheep
(0, 192, 0): sofa
(128, 192, 0): train
(0, 64, 128): tvmonitor
(128, 64, 128): void
pallete: ~
Object detection¶
To train an object detection model using NetsPresso Trainer, the data must be in the following formats:
- For object detection model training, each training image must have a corresponding
file indicating the original image and the bounding box and class index corresponding to each bounding box of the image. - The format of the bounding box follows the YOLO dataset format
[x_center, y_center, width, height]
(normalized). - Each
file must contain one line for each bounding box. - In this case, training data and validation data can be distinguished in different directories. For example, training data can be placed in train/image, train/label directories, and validation data can be placed in valid/image, valid/label directories.
- Users must know the class name corresponding to each class index in the label file.
Field |
Description |
data.path.train.label |
(str) For detection, label field must be path of label directory. This should be relative path to root directory. |
data.path.valid.label |
(str) For detection, label field must be path of label directory. This should be relative path to root directory. |
data.path.test.label |
(str) For detection, label field must be path of label directory. This should be relative path to root directory. |
data.id_mapping |
(list) Class list for each class index. |
data.palette |
(dict) Color mapping for visualization. If none , automatically select the color for each class. |
Data hierarchy example - COCO 2017
├── images
│ ├── train
│ │ ├── 000000000009.jpg
│ │ ├── 000000000025.jpg
│ │ ├── 000000000030.jpg
│ │ └── ...
│ └── valid
│ ├── 000000000139.jpg
│ ├── 000000000285.jpg
│ ├── 000000000632.jpg
│ └── ...
└── labels
├── train
│ ├── 000000000009.txt
│ ├── 000000000025.txt
│ ├── 000000000030.txt
│ └── ...
└── valid
├── 000000000139.txt
├── 000000000285.txt
├── 000000000632.txt
└── ...
Label txt example - COCO 2017
58 0.389578125 0.4161032863849765 0.038593749999999996 0.16314553990610328
62 0.127640625 0.5051525821596244 0.23331249999999998 0.22269953051643193
62 0.9341953125 0.583462441314554 0.127109375 0.18481220657276995
56 0.60465625 0.6325469483568076 0.0875 0.24138497652582158
56 0.5025078125 0.6273239436619719 0.096609375 0.2311737089201878
56 0.6691953125 0.6189906103286384 0.047140625000000005 0.19098591549295774
56 0.512796875 0.5282511737089202 0.03371875 0.02720657276995305
0 0.6864453125 0.5319600938967136 0.082890625 0.3239671361502347
0 0.612484375 0.4461971830985916 0.023625 0.08389671361502347
68 0.811859375 0.5017253521126761 0.02303125 0.037488262910798126
72 0.7863203125 0.5363732394366197 0.031703125 0.2542488262910798
73 0.9561562499999999 0.7717018779342724 0.02240625 0.10730046948356808
73 0.96825 0.7780751173708921 0.020125 0.10901408450704225
74 0.7105546875 0.31 0.021828125 0.05136150234741784
75 0.8865624999999999 0.8316079812206573 0.0573125 0.2104929577464789
75 0.5569453125 0.5167018779342724 0.017765625 0.05293427230046949
56 0.6516640625 0.5288262910798122 0.015046875000000001 0.029389671361502348
75 0.388046875 0.4784154929577465 0.022218750000000002 0.04138497652582159
75 0.5338359375 0.48794600938967136 0.015203125000000001 0.039272300469483566
60 0.599984375 0.6471478873239437 0.19618750000000001 0.20875586854460096
Custom object detection dataset example - COCO 2017
name: coco2017
task: detection
format: local # local, huggingface
root: ./data/coco2017 # dataset root
image: images/train # directory for training images
label: labels/train # directory for training labels
image: images/valid # directory for valid images
label: labels/valid # directory for valid labels
image: ~
label: ~
image: ~
label: ~
id_mapping: ['person', 'bicycle', 'car', ...]
pallete: ~
Hugging Face datasets¶
NetsPresso Trainer is striving to support various dataset hubs and platforms. As part of that effort and first step, NetsPresso Trainer can be used with data in Hugging Face datasets.
Field |
Description |
---|---| |
(str) The name of dataset. |
data.task |
(str) classification for image classification, segmentation for semantic segmentation, and detection for object detection. |
data.format |
huggingface as an identifier of dataset format. |
data.metadata.custom_cache_dir |
(str) Cache directory to load and save dataset files from Hugging Face. |
data.metadata.repo |
(str) Repository name. (e.g. competitions/aiornot represents the dataset .) |
data.metadata.subset |
(str, optional) Subset name if the dataset contains multiple versions. |
data.metadata.features.image |
(str) The key representing the image at the dataset header. |
data.metadata.features.label |
(str) The key representing the label at the dataset header. |