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Users can easily create their own augmentation recipe simply by listing their desired data transform modules. It's possible to adjust the intensity and frequency of each transform module, and the listed transform modules are applied in sequence to produce augmented data. In NetsPresso Trainer, a visualization tool is also provided through a Gradio demo, allowing users to see how their custom augmentation recipe produces the data for the model.

Supporting transforms

The currently supported methods in NetsPresso Trainer are as follows. Since techniques are adapted from pre-existing codes, most of the parameters remain unchanged. We note that most of these parameter descriptions are derived from original implementations.

We appreciate all the original code owners and we also do our best to make other values.


This augmentation follows the CenterCrop in torchvision library.

Field Description
name (str) Name must be "centercrop" to use CenterCrop transform.
size (int or list) Desired output size of the crop. If size is an int, a square crop (size, size) is made. If provided a list of length 1, it will be interpreted as (size[0], size[0]). If a list of length 2 is provided, a square crop (size[0], size[1]) is made.
CenterCrop example
      name: centercrop
      size: 224


This augmentation follows the ColorJitter in torchvision library.

Field Description
name (str) Name must be "colorjitter" to use ColorJitter transform.
brightness (float or list) The brightness scale value is randomly selected within [max(0, 1 - brightness), 1 + brightness] or given [min, max] range.
contrast (float or list) The contrast scale value is randomly selected within [max(0, 1 - contrast), 1 + contrast] or given [min, max] range.
saturation (float or list) The saturation scale value is randomly selected within [max(0, 1 - saturation), 1 + saturation] or given [min, max] range.
hue (float or list) The hue scale value is randomly selected within [max(0, 1 - hue), 1 + hue] or given [min, max] range.
p (float) The probability of applying the color jitter. If set to 1.0, the color transform is always applied.
ColorJitter example
      name: colorjitter
      brightness: 0.25
      contrast: 0.25
      saturation: 0.25
      hue: 0.1
      p: 1.0


HSVJitter is based on augment_hsv function of YOLOX repository. This transform convert input image to HSV format, and randomly adjust according to magnitude configuration. Each channel can be randomly adjusted or remain unchanged for every transform step.

Field Description
name (str) Name must be "hsvjitter" to use HSVJitter transform.
h_mag (int) Randomly adjust the H channel within the range of [-h_mag, h_mag].
s_mag (int) Randomly adjust the S channel within the range of [-s_mag, s_mag].
v_mag (int) Randomly adjust the V channel within the range of [-v_mag, v_mag].
HSVJitter example
      name: hsvjitter
      h_mag: 5
      s_mag: 30
      v_mag: 30


We defined Mixing transform as the combination of CutMix and MixUp augmentation. This shuffles samples within a batch instead of processing per image. Therefore, Mixing transform must be in the last function of augmentation racipe if user wants to use it. Also, Mixing not assumes a batch size 1. If both MixUp and CutMix are activated, only one of two is randomly selected and used per batch processing.

Cutmix augmentation is based on CutMix: Regularization strategy to train strong classifiers with localizable features and MixUp augmentation is based on mixup: Beyond empirical risk minimization. These implementation follow the RandomCutmix and RandomMixup in the ml-cvnets library.

Currently, NetsPresso Trainer does not support a Gradio demo visualization for Mixing. This feature is planned to be added soon.

Field Description
name (str) Name must be "mixing" to use Mixing transform.
mixup (list[float], optional) List of length 2 which contains [mixup alpha, applying probability]. If None, mixup is not applied.
cutmix (list[float], optional) List of length 2 which contains [cutmix alpha, applying probability]. If None, cutmix is not applied.
inplace (bool) Whether to operate as inplace.
Mixing example
      name: mixing
      mixup: [0.25, 1.0]
      cutmix: ~
      inplace: false


This MosaicDetection augmentation is based on YOLOX repository. For each sample, the following steps are taken to create an augmented sample.

  • Load three additional images.
  • Resize the four images to fit the size.
  • Merge the four images into one, with the merge center point randomly determined.
  • Apply a random affine transformation to the merged image. And resize output image to fit the size.
  • Finally, if enable_mixup is set to True, apply a mixup transformation with a fixed alpha of 0.5. The mixup image also is randomly loaded from dataset.
Field Description
name (str) Name must be "mosaicdetection" to use MosaicDetection transform.
size (list) Desired output size of the MosaicDetection.
mosaic_prob (float) The probability of applying the MosaicDetection. If set to 1.0, it is always applied.
affine_scale (list) Generate affine matrix with a scale range of [affine_scale[0], affine_scale[1]].
degrees (float) Generate affine matrix with a rotation range of [-degrees, degrees].
translate (float) Generate affine matrix with a translate range of [-translate, translate].
shear (float) Generate affine matrix with a shear range of [-shear, shear]. Randomly generate for each x-axis and y-axis.
enable_mixup (bool) Whether to apply mixup.
mixup_prob (float) The probability of applying the mixup. If set to 1.0, it is always applied.
mixup_scale (list) Resize scale range for mixup image.
fill (int) This is used to fill pixels with constant value.
mosaic_off_duration (int) Number of epochs for which the MosaicDetection transform is disabled at the end of training.
MosaicDetection example
      name: mosaicdetection
      size: [*img_size, *img_size]
      mosaic_prob: 1.0
      affine_scale: [0.5, 1.5]
      degrees: 10.0
      translate: 0.1
      shear: 2.0
      enable_mixup: True
      mixup_prob: 1.0
      mixup_scale: [0.5, 1.5]
      fill: 114
      mosaic_off_duration: 10


Apply z-normalization to an image.

Field Description
name (str) Name must be "normalize" to use Normalize transform.
mean (list[float]) The mean values for normalizing the image.
std (list[float]) The standard deviation values for normalizing the image.
Normalize example
      name: normalize
      mean: [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]
      std: [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]


Pad an image with constant. This augmentation is based on the Pad in torchvision library.

Field Description
name (str) Name must be "pad" to use Pad transform.
size (int or list) Padding on each border. If a single int is provided, target size is (size, size). If a list is provided, it must be length 2, and will produce size of (size[0], size[1]) padded image. If each edge of input image is greater or equal than target size, padding will be not processed.
fill (int or list) If a single int is provided this is used to fill pixels with constant value. If a list of length 3, it is used to fill R, G, B channels respectively.
Pad example - 1
      name: pad
      size: 512
      fill: 0
Pad example - 2
      name: pad
      size: [512, 512]
      fill: 0


Apply affine transform based on given bounding box. This augmentation is based on the RandomBBoxTransform and TopDownAffine in mmpose library.

Field Description
name (str) Name must be "pad" to use Pad transform.
scale (list) Randomly adjust box scale in range of [scale[0], scale[1]]
scale_prob (float) The probability of applying scaling. If set to 1.0, scale of box always randomly adjusted.
translate (float) Randomly adjust the offset of the box by adding translate factor * box size. The translate factor is random value in range of [0, translate].
translate_prob (float) The probability of applying translate. If set to 1.0, offset of box always randomly adjusted.
rotation (int) Random rotation range of affine transform. The random value determined in [-rotation, rotation]. This rotation angle is degree.
rotation_prob (float) The probability of applying rotation. If set to 1.0, affine transform matrix always contains rotation value.
PoseTopDownAffine example
      name: posetopdownaffine
      scale: [0.75, 1.25]
      scale_prob: 1.
      translate: 0.1
      translate_prob: 1.
      rotation: 60
      rotation_prob: 1.
      size: [*img_size, *img_size]


Crop the given image at a random location. This augmentation follows the RandomCrop in torchvision library.

Field Description
name (str) Name must be "randomcrop" to use RandomCrop transform.
size (int or list) Desired output size of the crop. If size is an int, a square crop (size, size) is made. If provided a list of length 1, it will be interpreted as (size[0], size[0]). If a list of length 2 is provided, a square crop (size[0], size[1]) is made.
fill (int or list) If a single int is provided this is used to fill pixels with constant value. If a list of length 3, it is used to fill R, G, B channels respectively.
RandomCrop example
      name: randomcrop
      size: 256
      fill: 114


Erase random area of given image. This augmentation follows the RandomErasing in torchvision library.

Field Description
name (str) Name must be "randomerasing" to use RancomErasing transform.
p (float) The probability of applying random erasing. If 1.0, it always applies.
scale (list) Range of proportion of erased area against input image.
ratio (list) Range of aspect ratio of erased area.
value (int, optional) Erasing value. If None, erase image with random noise.
inplace (bool) Whether to operate as inplace.
RandomErasing example
      name: randomerasing
      p: 0.5
      scale: [0.02, 0.33]
      ratio: [0.3, 3.3]
      value: 0
      inplace: False


Horizontally flip the given image randomly with a given probability. This augmentation follows the RandomHorizontalFlip in torchvision library.

Field Description
name (str) Name must be "randomhorizontalflip" to use RandomHorizontalFlip transform.
p (float) the probability of applying horizontal flip. If 1.0, it always applies the flip.
RandomHorizontalFlip example
      name: randomhorizontalflip
      p: 0.5


RandomResize transforms the input image to a random size within a specified range. This random size range is determined by [base_size[0] - stride * v, base_size[1] + stride * v] with stride interval, where the value v is an integer within the range of [-random_range, random_range]. E.g. If base_size = [256, 256], stride = 32, random_range = 2, possible output image sizes are [[192, 192], [224, 224], [256, 256], [288, 288], [320, 320]].

Since applying random resize to every image arises the difficulty of a batch handling, random resize should be applied on a per-batch basis. However, due to current implementation constraints, it's challenging to apply randomness at the batch level, so a single random size is determined per dataloader worker. The size managed by each worker changes to at the start of each epoch. Therefore, to fully benefit from RandomResize, the number of workers set by environment.num_workers needs to be sufficiently large.

Field Description
name (str) Name must be "randomresize" to use RandomResize transform.
base_size (list) The base size of the output image after random resizing. The output size is determined based on base_size.
stride (int) The interval at which the size variation occurs.
random_range (int) The range for random size variation. The final size is determined in range of [base_size[0] - stride * v, base_size[1] + stride * v] with stride interval, where v is an integer within the range of [-random_range, random_range].
interpolation (str) Desired interpolation type. Supporting interpolations are 'nearest', 'bilinear' and 'bicubic'.
      name: randomresize
      base_size: [256, 256]
      stride: 32
      random_range: 4
      interpolation: 'bilinear'


RandomResize2 transforms the input image by resizing it based on a randomly selected scaling factor within a specified range. Note that RandomResize2 preserves the original aspect ratio, result image size might be largely different with base_size.

Applying random resize to every image arises the difficulty of a batch handling, and RandomResize2 does not support per-batch target size handling function. We recommend to use RandomResize2 with other trasnform method.

Field Description
name (str) Name must be "randomresize" to use RandomResize transform.
base_size (list) The base (height, width) of the target image, which is the initial size before applying randomness.
random_range (int) A range [min_factor, max_factor] within which the random scaling factor is selected. The input image will be resized by a combination of base_size and random factors, while maintaining the aspect ratio.
interpolation (str) Desired interpolation type. Supporting interpolations are 'nearest', 'bilinear' and 'bicubic'.
      name: randomresize
      base_size: [512, 2048]
      random_range: [0.5, 1.5]
      interpolation: 'bilinear'


Crop a random portion of image with different aspect of ratio in width and height, and resize it to a given size. This augmentation follows the RandomResizedCrop in torchvision library.

Field Description
name (str) Name must be "randomresizedcrop" to use RandomResizedCrop transform.
size (int or list) Desired output size of the crop. If size is an int, a square crop (size, size) is made. If provided a list of length 1, it will be interpreted as (size[0], size[0]). If a list of length 2 is provided, a crop with size (size[0], size[1]) is made.
scale (float or list) Specifies the lower and upper bounds for the random area of the crop, before resizing. The scale is defined with respect to the area of the original image.
ratio (float or list) lower and upper bounds for the random aspect ratio of the crop, before resizing.
interpolation (str) Desired interpolation type. Supporting interpolations are 'nearest', 'bilinear' and 'bicubic'.
      name: randomresizedcrop
      size: 256
      scale: [0.08, 1.0]
      ratio: [0.75, 1.33]
      interpolation: 'bilinear'


Vertically flip the given image randomly with a given probability. This augmentation follows the RandomVerticalFlip in torchvision library.

Field Description
name (str) Name must be "randomverticalflip" to use RandomVerticalFlip transform.
p (float) the probability of applying vertical flip. If 1.0, it always applies the flip.
RandomVerticalFlip example
      name: randomverticalflip
      p: 0.5


Naively resize the input image to the given size. This augmentation follows the Resize in torchvision library.

Field Description
name (str) Name must be "resize" to use Resize transform.
size (int or list) Desired output size. If size is a sequence like (h, w), output size will be matched to this. If size is an int, smaller or larger edge of the image will be matched to this number and keep aspect ratio. Determining match to smaller or larger edge is determined by resize_criteria.
interpolation (str) Desired interpolation type. Supporting interpolations are 'nearest', 'bilinear' and 'bicubic'.
max_size (int, optional) The maximum allowed for the longer edge of the resized image: if the longer edge of the image exceeds max_size after being resized according to size, then the image is resized again so that the longer edge is equal to max_size. As a result, size might be overruled, i.e the smaller edge may be shorter than size. This is only supported if size is an int.
resize_criteria (str, optional) This field only used when size is int. This determines which side (shorter or longer) to match with size, and only can have 'short' or 'long' or None. i.e, if resize_criteria is 'short' and height > width, then image will be rescaled to (size * height / width, size).
Resize example - 1
      name: resize
      size: [256, 256]
      interpolation: 'bilinear'
      max_size: ~
      resize_criteria: ~
Resize example - 2
      name: resize
      size: 256
      interpolation: 'bilinear'
      max_size: ~
      resize_criteria: long


The ToTensor transform converts data into a tensor that can be fed into a PyTorch model. The pixel_range parameter allows you to specify the range of pixel values that each image data point can have.

Field Description
name (str) Name must be "totensor" to use ToTensor transform.
pixel_range (float) The range of pixel values that the image data will be normalized to.
ToTensor example - 1
      name: totensor
      pixel_range: 1.0
ToTensor example - 2
      name: totensor
      pixel_range: 255.0


TrivialAugment based on TrivialAugment: Tuning-free Yet State-of-the-Art Data Augmentation. This augmentation follows the TrivialAugmentWide in the torchvision library. Currently, this transform function does not support segmentation and detection data.

Field Description
name (str) Name must be "trivialaugmentwide" to use TrivialAugmentWide transform.
num_magnitude_bins (int) The number of different magnitude values.
interpolation (str) Desired interpolation type. Supporting interpolations are 'nearest', 'bilinear' and 'bicubic'.
fill (list or int, optional) Pixel fill value for the area outside the transformed image. If given a number, the value is used for all bands respectively.
TrivialAugmentWide example
      name: trivialaugmentwide
      num_magnitude_bins: 31
      interpolation: 'bilinear'
      fill: ~