Source code for netspresso.compressor.core.compression

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Any, List

from netspresso.compressor.client.utils.enum import Policy, LayerNorm, GroupPolicy

class AvailableLayer:
    """Represents an available layer for compression.

        name (str): The name of the layer.
        values (List[Any]): The compression parameters for the layer.
        use (bool): The compression selection status for the layer.
        channels (List[int]): The channel information for the layer.

    name: str
    values: List[Any] = field(default_factory=list)
    use: bool = field(default=False, repr=False)
    channels: List[int] = field(default_factory=list)

class Options:
    """Represents an options for compression.

        reshape_channel_axis (int): 
        policy (str): 
        layer_norm (str): 
        group_policy (str): 

    reshape_channel_axis: int = -1
    policy: Policy = Policy.AVERAGE
    layer_norm: LayerNorm = LayerNorm.STANDARD_SCORE
    group_policy: GroupPolicy = GroupPolicy.AVERAGE

[docs]@dataclass class CompressionInfo: """Represents compression information for a model. Attributes: compressed_model_id (str): The ID of the compressed model. compression_id (str): The ID of the compression. compression_method (str): The compression method used. available_layers (List[AvailableLayer]): The compressible layers information. AvailableLayer Attributes: - name (str): The name of the layer. - values (List[Any]): The compression parameters for the layer. - channels (List[int]): The channel information for the layer. options(Options, optional): The options for pruning method. original_model_id (str): The ID of the original model. """ compressed_model_id: str = "" compression_id: str = "" compression_method: str = "" available_layers: List[AvailableLayer] = field(default_factory=list) original_model_id: str = "" options: Options = field(default_factory=Options) def set_available_layers(self, available_layers): self.available_layers = [AvailableLayer(**available_layer.dict()) for available_layer in available_layers]